Acupuncture is an effective and natural form of health care that has been around for at least 2000 years. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterilised needles into specific acupuncture spots around the body. Acupuncture helps relieve pain, muscle tension, anxiety, stress and can promote healing of injured body tissues.
Conditions that may be helped by acupuncture include:
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Knee pain
- Ankle pain
- Tennis elbow
- Sciatica
- Headaches
- Arthritic joints
- Stress and anxiety
- Muscle strains
Dry needling is the insertion of fine acupuncture needles into “trigger points” in muscles. Dry needling can help release tight muscles, improve muscle strength, coordination and promote blood flow. It can be an effective way to reduce pain associated with tense and stressed muscles. Conditions that may benefit from dry needling include:
- Postural pain syndrome
- Muscle tension
- Stress and anxiety
- Sports injuries
- Headaches
- Muscle strains
- Neck pain
- Back pain
Our physiotherapists have been extensively trained in acupuncture and dry needling. If you would like to make an appointment to see one of our physiotherapists call us on 82841193.